Understand spoken language


New quiz type: Multi-choice

Submitted by Hugh on 21 August 2013

I am very pleased to officially announce a new quiz type: multi-choice. It's been around in an early form for about a month, but now I'm finally happy with the way it works, I'm happy to announce it.

Example of selecting the multi-choice quiz type:

multi-choice quiz type

New Summary section

Submitted by Hugh on 10 June 2013

I am pleased to announce the addition of a new "Summary" section to each word, phrase or dialogue. This presents, what I think to be, a beautiful summary of what the recording is all about. Strictly speaking it doesn't add any information which isn't already available on the page (with the tiny exception of actually stating how many parts the literal breakdown contains); the page already contains the English, the Thai, and the Literal Breakdown. However, it does add a subtle but important usability aspect to the pages.

Improved recordings player

Submitted by Hugh on 2 June 2013

I have replaced the original recordings player, which used to look as follows:

Original recordings player

with the following design:

new recordings player

What's changed and why? Firstly, what's changed: basically all the buttons and controls which in the context of learning a language had no real value have been removed, and the overall size of the player has been reduced. Specifically