Understand spoken language


Really big fan of your website and service... Very helpful!


Just a quick note to say how much I appreciate Lingopolo. I'm a beginner with a Thai partner and a strong interest in languages. I'm finding Thai very challenging but enjoy using Lingopolo very much, primarily on the train on the way to work. I'm an engineer (so like a structured method) but I also have a couple of degrees in teaching, including TESOL, so I'm finding the pedagogical dimension of what you've created to be fascinating.
Great work!

John M

I can't thank you enough as it was your site that got my Thai language skills up to a passable level so quickly. I was frustrated with the other language tutors out there that concentrate on phrases which doesn't help when you don't understand the individual words. Learning first the words and compound words first and then moving on to phrases is the best way to go. Then the longer narratives for putting it all together. Thanks again,

Raymond Dick

Lingopolo is a fantastic language learning website to learn Dutch. The course is based on quiz. It has a vast collection of Dutch vocabulary and phrases. There are 100+ quizzes available here to teach you Dutch. All you have to do is, play the quiz and guess the correct answer by listening to the audio playbacks. Various situation examples and grammar lessons help you with learning Dutch in better way.

List of Freeware

Thank you so much Hugh! I just came across your brilliant website today... Thanks so much!

Elizabeth Lumkes

Met a pretty woman from Sa Kaeo in Thailand. First meeting I realized that she had very little knowledge of the English language and I could not speak Thai at all. For 3 weeks we lived on farm in Sa Kaeo with only people talking Thai. I decided I needed to learn to speak Thai if the relationship should last. Bought a lot of training courses but was not happy. Too difficult to manage and too much work keeping track of progress. When I started using Lingopolo my motivation skyrocketed. For 3 months I have worked with my thai skills for more than 2 hours every day and I never get tired. I focus on learning thai and the system takes care of everything else.

Lingopolo is better than other expensive training courses and it gives me everything I need to learn to understand and speak thai.

Many thanks

Petter Rogstad
Bang Saray Thailand (Stockholm Sweden)

I am really enjoying the website- the interface is great and I'm making good progress compared with various other learning packages I have tried.


I'm an American with a Thai wife in Thailand. I found this site by accident and have found the lessons very useful. At first I wasn't sure about the method but decided to give it a try. I am somewhere between beginner and intermediate in understanding so I find I can "guess" the correct answers 95% of the time. Why I say "guess" is because the native speakers (a very good thing) speak the sentences so very fast and the sound quality (at least on my computer) isn't very good. When I play the individual words from the sentences, they sound clear. But other than that, I think the method is good and I recommend this site to everyone I know that is trying to learn Thai.

John J.

I was introduced to this site from a Thai-Norwegian language group. I have struggled learning Thai since 2004 but I find it hard, from time to time, to keep up the interest. 

I’m also pleased that you not "translate" the Thai by means of transcription to the International Phonetic Alfabet (IPA) , since that does not work for Norwegian words. As mentioned by others, some of the male tutors speak thai very sloppy and fast. Sometimes it is impossible to understand. Especially the word “krap” sounds like “sap” to me. Even when I replay, some of the sentences it is still unclear. Besides that I think Lingopolo will help me a lot on the way of mastering Thai and I will recommend this website to anyone interested in learning Thai.

Svein Leon Pedersen
Bergen Norway

Lingopolo is a great tool helping me to learn Thai. I use it almost daily. Thank you!

Brisbane, Australia

This is a fantastic resource for learning Thai, especially after trying various other systems that basically frustrated me, and wasted my money.

The Spaced Repetition is great, and the site implements well, and the best part of it for me, is that (at least in the early stages) every word or phrase has 4 or more potential answers that are shown. So although I am currently guessing about half the time, of the guesses I do make, I get perhaps 80% correct because I have some basic knowledge of the language. I enjoy and learn from this MUCH MORE than simple "right" or "wrong". The platform also teaches Dutch and French, and I am assuming these languages work out well also. I am also studying MUCH MORE. The last week I have averaged 1.5 hours a day!! Wow is this a change for me!


For me, the biggest challenge with the Thai language is understanding spoken Thai. Lingopolo is the best tool I know to practice just that - understanding Thai words and phrases, and better yet, applying them later in practical conversations with Thais. Also, I would recommend to anybody learning Thai to learn the writing system and the grammar - it gives a much better access to the language.

Cologne, Germany

Great website. I've tried to learn French by going to classes given by a French person and gave up after a while. With this website I could pick up right where I left off, and it somehow it easier to understand since it deconstruct the sentences and phrases whenever I want. I am able to go on my own pace with this, which is perfect for me since I am quite busy during most of my days.

Bugra Arslaner
Tokyo, Japan

In short: Lingopolo is the way to go. As a language lover, I'm always looking for better ways to learn and improve my skills. I read several books about how to best learn languages. Since a year and a half I took up a passion for learning Thai. I had private lessons, used several internet resources and now taking classroom lessons in a nearby Wat (temple). Lingopolo is the perfect addition to the latter. I am not a linguist, but this method is intuitive and for me big fun. With each half an hour spent on Lingopolo I feel I am improving, and the statistics make it proof. Especially in Thai being a tonal language it is vital to have many examples of pronunciation. Exactly what Lingopolo provides. Unbelievable that Lingopolo is completely free.

The Netherlands

I use lingopolo every week, I really enjoy using it, it's very interactive, many thanks.

Anthony Whitehead
Burnley, England

I’m enjoying the site. It has the combination of things I want. Vocabulary, listening, and flash cards. Thanks!


I just wanted to let you know how much I love Lingopolo. I've tried many other apps and websites and nothing is even close to as effective as Lingopolo for me. Yesterday was my first day using the site and I just couldn't stop using it. I studied for 5+ hours and learned more in one day than I've learned for the past month using audio books and flash cards. I can't believe this site is free!! You should definitely charge for it. I just wanted to say thank you. Please never let this site go away!! Thank You.


Thank you! Lingopolo is a wonderful resource, it is really quickly pulling together my long neglected high-school French with my recent self-teaching attempts at verbs and vocab. The system is ingenious and the native speakers with different accents and tones are invaluable for developing listening. As well as the noisy public announcements which simulate those desperate moments when you are trying to work out when your train is leaving! I love that touch.


A wholehearted thank-you for building such an incredible platform for language learning. My partner and I are in complete awe of what you’ve built.


I have been trying to learn Thai through many channels, websites and apps. Lingopolo is the best I have found. They have many different speakers so you can hear different accents, speeds and pronunciations. After guessing or knowing what they said, they move to a page where each word of the previous phrase is broken down. I am Canadian but my Thai wife says that, when I move to Thailand I will become fluent in less that a year because of Lingopolo. Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!
