Understand spoken language

Copyright information


Creative Commons License
All recordings, unless otherwise specified, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you would like to use Lingopolo recordings for commercial use, please ask, and we will certainly consider your request.

Some recordings on Lingopolo French came from Education Scotland. These are covered by the Open Government Licence. Lingopolo gratefully acknowledges the UK Government for allowing us to use these recordings under the terms of this licence.

Some recordings were taken from the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) which was developed by the United States government and is now in the public domain. The FSI website is no longer in service, but the content is available at many other sites, e.g. The Yojik Website and FSI Language Courses. Lingopolo gratefully acknowledges the US Government for releasing this material to the public domain and these other websites for preserving and making easily available this valuable resource.

Some of the recordings come from COERLL (Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning). For example we are trying to include as many of the French recordings from the Français interactif site as possible. Lingopolo are extremely grateful for these U.S. Department of Education funded resources being released for reuse.

Another source of recordings has been Project SHTOOKA. Here we've had to be quite selective to find recordings of good quality, but where they meet the Lingopolo quality standards, this site has been a valuable source of recordings, which we gratefully acknowledge.

A few of the recordings have come from Wikimedia Commons. A big thank you to this site and the contributors who add content to it.

Whenever possible we have tried to record on the page for a recording where it was made. If there is no external reference, it has most probably been recorded by Lingopolo itself.


The photos on Lingopolo are almost all from Pixabay, where anybody may find and share images free of copyright. Lingopolo gratefully acknowledges the work Pixabay does in organising and providing these copyright-free photos and images.